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Official Statement From Mormon Women for Ethical Government Condemning Reckless Rhetoric and Hate-Fueled Violence

Yet again, the United States of America has been wounded by the tragic deaths of some of God’s children because of blatant hatred and prejudice. Our hearts are broken over today’s mass shooting at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania’s Tree of Life Synagogue and Wednesday’s targeting of a black church and subsequent killing of two black senior citizens at a grocery store in Jeffersontown City, Kentucky.

Additionally, a number of prominent Democrats were threatened this week by hate-filled political violence in the form of pipe bombs which, fortunately, was prevented by the good work of those tasked with protecting our country’s political leaders. We express our deepest sorrow, anguish, and righteous indignation on behalf of those whose lives have been lost or threatened, as well as their families and loved ones. In civil society, there is absolutely no place for racial, religious, nationalist, political, or any other form of identity-based hatred or violence.

As a society, we must finally acknowledge that there is no such thing as harmless rhetoric. Words spoken over podiums and pulpits and airwaves should be both chosen and judged based on how they affect those most, not least, susceptible to violent tendencies. We must elevate our public discourse and guard against those who insist upon stoking the flames of hatred and discontent for their own advantage, beginning with the man who currently holds the highest office in this land.

Our current political climate is both a cause and effect of serious societal sickness. Each one of us can and must be responsible for curing these ills within our own hearts, homes, and communities. We urge citizens throughout this country to raise their voices and cast their ballots in support of those who would lead our nation toward peace, toward unity, toward justice, toward humility, toward love.

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