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Official Statement From Mormon Women for Ethical Government in Response to the Senate Judiciary Committee Vote on Judge Kavanaugh

We are deeply grateful to Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) for his willingness to insist upon further investigation before confirming Judge Kavanaugh. We hope such investigation will be embraced by Senate leadership in order to address the doubt Senator Flake spoke of yesterday. If Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed without that additional process, that doubt will linger over both him and the legitimacy of the Supreme Court for the duration of his tenure. If he is innocent of these charges, then he, more than anyone, should want this investigation to take place so that his name can be cleared.

In the meantime, we continue to urge all senators to work diligently to ensure that any justice who sits on the Supreme Court of the United States meets standards of character, temperament, trustworthiness, and impartiality equal to the importance of the position.

As a group devoted to ethical and peaceful governance, we respectfully plead with all the members of the Senate to place the well-being of our country over that of either party.

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