Voter Preparation Party purple and black text on white background

Follow these four easy steps for your party!  

1. Invite your friends.
2. Share the prepared materials.
3. Work through the materials together.
4. Spread the word! #voterprep #mweg

Voter Prep Party Materials

All the resources you need to host a Voter Prep Party, or just prepare to vote! Download the worksheets and resources, then print or fill in the digital versions of these worksheets. 

Host Instructions
Printable/Digital VPP Worksheet
Tips & Stories of Hosting a VPP

Printable Invite & Decorations

Download the invitations, then print to send handwritten invites, or edit and send a digital copy. 

Download and print any decoration pages you want to use for a more festive party!

Digital Graphics

Download these invites and reminder graphics to share on your social media profiles or send via text or email. 

Facebook Banners

Holding a Facebook event? Use one of these graphics for your event banner. 

Thank you for holding a Voter Preparation Party!

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