Caring for Creation

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Caring for Creation is deeply tied to our faith, and to caring for one another. It requires personal action, as well as effective policy and legislation, to make positive changes that will protect this planet for generations to come. 

young woman with red hair
Environmental problems can seem daunting and complex to solve, but my faith teaches that by small actions, big changes can be made. Little actions... can make a big difference in our communities.
- Emilee Severe 
young woman with red hair
It’s so important that all groups come together in a united effort to reduce pollution and to reduce our impact on this planet. If we do so, in this united and concerted effort, all together... we’ll be able to protect this planet.
- Isabella Errigo
young woman with red hair
Planning our cities efficiently and in a compact and conservative manner allows us to use fewer resources... and will allow us to provide future generations with clean water and clean air.
- Shannon Ellsworth 
Additional MWEG resources on environment and sustainability
See what other MWEG members have to say

Thank you for taking steps to care for creation!

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