Plant seeds of peacemaking, community connection, and trust building, and see how hope grows!

Experiment with hope this summer!
Take this short survey to see how hopeful you are feeling for the future. Then choose a few of the ideas below to work on this summer so you’re feeling more prepared to face the future with hope.
Click the + buttons below for ideas, resources, event dates, and more. Or come up with your own activities!
Want to make your tracking a little more fun?
Download this coloring sheet to track your activities and watch your hope grow!

"In the spirit of our history’s best political traditions, everyday Americans are demonstrating how a little civic hope can ignite a chain reaction of efforts to restore civic power — the kind of power that humanizes rather than corrupts, because it grows when shared."

— Harry Boyte

We'd love to see how you're experimenting!

Share any of your hope experiences on MWEG Central, or by tagging @mormonweg on social media and using #hopeexperiment.