Dr. LaShawn C. Williams
Relational Change Strategist and Clinical Social Worker
Dr. LaShawn C. Williams is a licensed clinical social worker and relational change strategist focusing on the interactions between people and across differences where connection matters most. Her anti-oppression work centers on the effects of marginalization, isolation, and disconnection in personal and professional spaces. She specializes in interpersonal and organizational change from the margins to the center. Grounded in relational cultural theory, Dr. Williams works with leaders at every organizational level to help them engage the taboo concepts of interpersonal shame and humiliation, their impacts on relationships, and ways we can communicate to create pathways toward mutual empathy and empowerment. She is an accessible consultant to local, regional, and national organizations. She is passionate about relational transformation and eagerly supports individuals, couples, families, and groups through her practice, Relational Spaces, at the Utah Center for Connection in Orem.