Volunteer with MWEG

It takes all kinds of women with varying skills to run a nonprofit organization like MWEG. Current volunteers are authors, stay-at-home moms, scientists, attorneys, piano teachers, graduate students, and more. There is a place for everyone's talents and a need for all different kinds of help. You have something to offer, and we can use YOU!

How to Volunteer

Any woman interested in volunteering for MWEG should:

  1. Fill out the volunteer application(To see a current list of volunteer openings, open the volunteer application.)
  2. Look for and reply to an email from MWEG.
Before beginning your volunteer work, you should be a registered member of MWEG. If you haven't yet joined, you can do that here.
Volunteer Application

Why Volunteer

  • Form real friendships and relationships with faithful, peaceful, proactive women who are trying their best to make the world a better place.
  • Work within a female-led and -staffed organization, exploring what it looks like when women set institutional priorities, work/life boundaries, organizational structures, and patterns of communication.
  • Volunteer hours are flexible, and most can be done on your own schedule.
  • Contribute from anywhere. You just need internet connection and a computer or other device.
  • Receive invitations and access to special volunteer and sustaining member events and discounts.
  • Gain professional skills and experience that can be added to a resume.
  • Be part of something where you can make a meaningful difference in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

MWEG works to ensure volunteers are trained, supervised, and supported so they can be successful and productive in their work as well as ensure that the relationship is beneficial to both the volunteer and organization. MWEG volunteers will go through an informal interview process and are required to participate in up to two hours of initial orientation and training. It is expected that volunteers will maintain consistent communication with their volunteer supervisor about their ability to volunteer on a regular basis. Volunteers serve under the discretion of MWEG's executive directors. No volunteer position is guaranteed.